
Blog How to Budget for a New Home So You Don’t End Up House Poor Andy Hill discovered he was house poor soon after he bought his first home in 2004. When Hill put 10% down on the 1,200-square-foot house in Royal Oak, Michigan, a suburb outside of Detroit, he was surprised to find out he had to pay private mortgage insurance, which initially was $158 a month.
Blog How to Find and Finance Bank-Owned Properties Home prices are still rising — they’re currently averaging just below all-time highs set in 2006, according to the Case-Shiller Home Price Indices. Combine that with slim housing inventory in many markets, and you may believe you’ve missed the opportunity to buy your first, or your next, home.
Blog 5 Ways to Improve Your Change of Mortgage Preapproval Let’s be real: Rejection hurts. It’s particularly hard if you’re denied for a mortgage preapproval, which is one of the biggest hurdles in the home-buying process.
Finance Factors that Affect Home Prices Median home sale prices have risen on a year-over-year basis for 52 consecutive months. In June, they reached yet another all-time high. Sure, from a macro view, we all understand that it’s a matter of supply and demand — not enough homes for sale in the major employment centers.
Finance Mortgage Rates: Are You Getting the Best Mortgage rates are near all-time lows, and it might be hard to imagine them going even lower. But some loan experts say many banks aren’t giving borrowers the lowest rates they deserve.
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